Can you succeed in life without sacrifice?
I don’t think so.
Life is full of sacrifices. Due to the ONE who created us, we actually have a chance to succeed in life through His grace and mercy. Therefore, we are all called to sacrifice something at different times in our lives.
We sacrifice time, money, attention, tangible things, intangible things, love, joy, balance, faith, health…and the list goes on.
On Good Friday, I received a message on sacrifice from my friend Matthew Kelly at Dynamic Catholic. He and I don’t know one another personally, but anyone with a heart for God is a friend of mine, even if we’ve yet to meet. Don’t you agree?
While this blog is meant to share mostly design, DIY, lifestyle and entertaining ideas, who can deny that personal growth blends in with all beautiful and stylish homes?
So here I share what comes from my heart, even if others disagree.
Video Link: Click here
First, let’s look at the definition of sacrifice, as a verb.
verb: sacrifice; 3rd person present: sacrifices; past tense: sacrificed; past participle: sacrificed; gerund or present participle: sacrificing
- offer or kill as a religious sacrifice.”the goat was sacrificed at the shrine”
- give up (something important or valued) for the sake of other considerations.
- “working hard doesn’t mean sacrificing your social life”
- “he sacrificed his principles”
Examples in life:
- Chess: deliberately allow one’s opponent to win (a pawn or piece).
- Baseball: advance (a base runner) by a sacrifice.
- Bridge: make a sacrifice bid.
Look at how sacrifice from people has changed over the last couple hundred years. I found this interesting.
This graph shows me that we need to take the act of sacrificing more seriously. We need to ramp it UP!
Sacrifice comes naturally to parents.
When you’re a parent, sacrificing becomes part of who you are. It’s inevitable if you love your human gifts.
I watched my mom give and do so much for us; putting herself last and us first. She still tries do things for us as adults because it’s her servant heart that leads her to it. I’ve had to tell her no many times because it’s my turn, not hers, to sacrifice for the family God gave me.
Common ways moms (in particular) sacrifice.
First, I have to tell you that I have the most ahhhhmazing man for a husband. He gives more of himself in ways that most will ever realize; we, as his family, know what he sacrifices for us and others.
Since most of my readers are women, I’m going to focus on the moms. This list is some of my personal ones, that I’m sure others can relate to.
As a mom….
You sacrifice a firm body to birth a beautiful baby; with the knowledge that things might not return to where they once were…especially if you have more than one.
You sacrifice food to your babes when they are hungry and want to eat of your plate instead of theirs. See photo above. Ahhhh, arne’t I cute?
You sacrifice fashion for the good of the family and finances and you figure out how to make cheap t-shirts look like high fashion.
You sacrifice the gym and professional spa services when college bills arise because they come hard and fast. College is pricey, if you don’t yet know.
You sacrifice a perfectly kept house for the mess a family can make. Unending piles, dirt on carpets, food on the floor and in your sofa, toothpaste always left in the sink, etc.
You sacrifice what is comfortable for what is uncomfortable when necessary.
You sacrifice certain plans when you’re forced to choose a different path; all the while, never fully giving up on the dreams planted within you.
You sacrifice specific tasks and accomplishments because of other things became a priority; short term or long term.
You sacrifice pride and looking goofy to bring joy to your kids faces.
You sacrifice warmth and comfort to cheer on your kids in their sports…and you find yourself saying, “We love outdoor sports in the cold rain.”
Personal sacrifices.
While it can be easy to make sacrifices for others, especially our families, let’s focus on ourselves for a minute. It can be hard to do when you are used to focusing on others.
It’s important to look within and really admit what’s going on.
To embrace personal sacrifice, have you ever considered these ideas?
Sacrifice worry from your mind. Instead commit to focus on what you’re grateful for and trust that God knows the outcome. When you worry, you take your trust back from God.
Sacrifice ill temper when someone cuts you off or is rude; instead smile and say a prayer for them. You never know what they are going through.
Sacrifice hate for love.
Sacrifice sadness for joy.
Sacrifice laziness for fitness…even if you can afford a gym.
Sacrifice procrastination for productivity.
Sacrifice time alone for time to serve and or fellow-ship with others.
Sacrifice clutter for clarity.
Sacrifice negative relationships for positive ones.
Sacrifice stuff for simplicity.
Sacrifice doubt for hope.
Sacrifice concern for faith.
We are called to sacrifice.
We are all “called” to accomplish certain things. If we want to succeed in any form or fashion, it requires sacrifice.
Some of us know our true calling; others don’t. It can seem like it takes a lifetime of learning, doing and trying before we fully know. No matter the amount time that passes, I do believe the talents we are born with show up in and throughout the way we live our lives.
When you consider what Jesus gave up for us to live lives worthy of knowing him, it’s humbling to think how much He has in store for us, even when days seem so tough.
Personally, I get through each day with this mantra…
Thy will be done.Click To Tweet
This is one of my favorite songs, which I too hope you will enjoy. It came on the radio Good Friday while I drove to work, where I now sit in a cubicle again after 18 years. (One of my harder sacrifices this past year, but I trust in His plan…He’s so much wiser than me.)
You are seen. You are heard. You are loved.
What can you sacrifice to fully embrace this truth?
Give yourself time to reflect on this, and feel free to share with a friend. We are better together and grow in strength when we have others to lean on.
May your sacrifices for others and yourself allow you to experience growth, joy, peace and love. If we choose to live more, love more and matter more, we’ll accomplish what we are called to do in this life.
I wish you a beautiful Easter season.
You are an amazing individual who was wonderfully made to help and serve others. Don’t shy away from or ignore your abilities.
Blessed are you, your families and friends!
Happy Easter!
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